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Kenan Begovic '24



Kenan Begovic '24

No matter who they are there, no matter where they are from, everyone new is the same. They all arrive in the sea of sand. Under the trapped clouds. The bus hastily departs, not wanting to bear witness to the sad group of people it dropped off, leaving the group in a cloud of putrid fumes. The only indication of time passing is a favor granted by a passing insect. They are reminded of their uncomfort by the slight smell of burning asphalt. They take their first few steps onto the grey concrete, looking in awe at the wonder of the unfamiliar buildings. They are all lost, some looking cluelessly at signs, others starting small, awkward conversations, trying to locate the mandatory welcome seminar. The flag sits still atop the building, what they’d give for a reassuring ripple. Finally, a silhouette appears from the haze and dust, shuffling down from one of the buildings. He surveys the group with a bored gaze, thinking only of the time when he would be lounging on his chair, the fan blowing into his face. He points a finger towards their destination, as if it pains him to speak. After slowly trickling into the main building, some in groups, others on their own, they manage to attentive throughout the dull, drilling narration, the lead counciler’s choice weapon of torture. They are released from his clutches to pick their cabins. He doesn't realize that he’s tripped someone with his effort to pick his favorite color of the cabin, his favorite shade of dull grey, the kid already scheming his revenge. They all want someone to be friends with. They casually walk up to randoms, asking for their names, and with a scowl, walking away because nobody seemed interested in them. They all want to sit at a packed table. They ask, "I'm new, could you move”, and with great reluctance, the person moves. Their smiles flash at everyone and anything, in harsh contrast with icy stares behind them. They have some sort of theory if they are as boisterous as possible, someone will take notice of them. They are unaware that everyone wants to be left alone, it's summer after all. She still wanders on, on the other side of the camp, completely lost, most likely the result of a cruel joke. Maybe someone will be kind enough to show her around. Maybe we should extend a favor, or be friendly. That's what happened to us after all, we were all new once. But that will have to wait.


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